Let me be a little kinder, let me be a 
little blinder, 
To the faults of those around me, let me 

praise a little more. 
Let me be when I am weary, just a little 
more cheary, 
Think a little more of others, and a little
less of me. 

Let me be a little braver, when 
bids me waver 
Let me strive a little harder, to be all 
that I should be 
Let me be a little meaker, with a brother 
who is weaker 
Let me think more of my neighbour, and 
little less of me. 

Let us then in strenght and kindness, 
to call those lost in blindness 
Bring them back to streams of water, of 
river running free 
For the King of all creation, is the one 
who grants salvation 
Is the one who paid for freedom, that is 

given you and me.
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