Cifra Club


They Might Be Giants

Cifra: Principal (violão e guitarra)
Selo Cifra Club: esta cifra foi revisada para atender aos critérios oficiais da nossa Equipe de Qualidade.
tom: C#m
E    F#m     E      F#m
                You know what's
E    F#m     E      F#m
wrong   with me You know
   A  B A           B
phrenology.     You saw my
C#m   E
injury          You can
A                          B
tell just by looking at my skull

      G    D        C
Contrecoup, on the  rebound
      G    D        C
Contrecoup hurt me again
        C          G        D            G
And the second was worse by far than the first,
          C            B
'Cause it made me limerent

E   F#m  E    F#m
              When my
E   F#m  E     F#m
head was hit I bounced
A   B     A   B
away from it. Or as
C#m                  E
someone who is craniosophic would say
A                           B
The brain went the opposite way

      G    D        C
Contrecoup, on the  rebound
      G    D        C
Contrecoup hurt me again
        C          G        D            G
And the second was worse by far than the first,
          C         G       D            G
Cause the first one woke my feelings for you
         C          G       D        G
But the  contrecoup made my words  untrue
          C            B
'Cause it made me limerent

Which is to say, how it goes
           Am7          C
Couched in terms no one knows
And as if the choice were slim
      C          D
As if there's no synonym

G    D    C
G    D    C
C  G   D  G
C         B

E    F#m     E      F#m
                You know what's
E    F#m     E      F#m
wrong   with me You know
   A  B A           B
phrenology.     You saw my
C#m   E
injury          You can
A                          B
tell just by looking at my skull

      G    D        C
Contrecoup, on the  rebound
      G    D        C
Contrecoup hurt me again
        C          G        D            G
And the second was worse by far than the first,
           C          G             D           G
Though the impulse is strong, the connection is weak
      C            G           D          G
And I know what to say, but forgot how to speak
        C            B
When it made me limerent

E F#m  E  F#m
E F#m G#m F#m  
(slowly increase speed)
Outros vídeos desta música
    4 exibições
      • ½ Tom
      • Am
      • Bbm
      • Bm
      • Cm
      • C#m
      • Dm
      • Ebm
      • Em
      • Fm
      • F#m
      • Gm
      • G#m
    • Adicionar à lista

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