Come from the shell where you hide!
There is a starry night outside
Let go the hands that you hold!
They'll just imprison you till you are old
And you have just one moment more
Before the night takes you!
Don't be afraid, there is nowhere you can fall
But the power of the earth will hold you!

There could be living on this land!
There could be peace for every man
With a woman weaving him wampum
By the light of the crimson Sun
There could be singing beneath the sky!
There could be joy that does not fly
With the children teaching us wisdom
By the wonder in their eyes
There could be living on this land!
There could be peace for every man
With a woman weaving him wampum
By the light of the crimson Sun
Sweet wise woman weaving him wampum
By the light of the crimson Sun!

Three rings for the elven kings!
Three rings for the elven kings!
Three rings for the elven kings!
They come from the darkness!
They come from the green lands!
They come from the clear light!
They are the makers!
They are the makers!
Of the earth and the wind and the light!
Three rings for the elven kings under the sky!
Three rings for the elven kings under the sky!
Three rings for the elven kings under the sky!
Wrought of star-fire!
Makers of all things fair under the sky!
Bearers of the silver flame that never dies!
Mirrors of all things true whenever they lies!
Wrought of star-fire!
The strange light of the elven night shines on their faces
A charmed breeze from the elven trees rustles the grasses
Three rings for the elven kings under the sky!
Wrought of star-fire!
The light of the lady is on the land
Fear the starlight hand!
They are strangers from afar seen by the holy!
They bring secrets of the stars to the lost and the lowly!
Three rings for the elven kings under the sky!
Wrought of star-fire!
I've seen them in the darkest night
They are the makers of the light
Through wind and rain and storm thei call me home
Ella kom ye la! I cried unto these ones
I've wandered through the dark so long!
I've waited through the night for the rising Sun!
They cried: We who of the earth are born
Will lead you through the healing storm
It's time to follow the path of the ancient ones!
It's sunrise and high tide!
In the blue endless space my eyes open wide
There's a land I can see!
There's a land I can see!
There's a land I can see!

There is a land I can see
It's where I long to be!
Where the rivers run swiftly
And carry your soul to the farthest star
There is a land tha I know
Where I've lived long ago
Oh! Strong comes the voice of the wild-hearted lover
Who is calling to me!
He says there's a land of the Sun!
Where all men may come
Oh! It's not easy to win
It can fade like the spring dew
That runs through your hands
Come with me tonight!
Now the young Moon is bright
You can feel the earth spinning
Down pathways of starlight that dazzle your sight
There is a land I can see!
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