Cifra Club


David Bowie

Ainda não temos a cifra desta música.

Gunamn, my sort of star, we put you there
You're all of us now, you're all over town
an wrappers and cans, you're bigger then life
You're braver than dad
You're a gunman, holding your own
You're a gunman, never alone

Gunamn, leader of packs, shadow of death
Killer in chic, never betrayed, friend of our kids

You're a gunman, holding your own
You're a gunamn, never alone

Gunman . . . gunman . . . trader in arms
Kids on the street, buying your charms

Gunman, my sort of star, we put you there
You're all of us now, you're all over town
On wrappers and cans, you're bigger than life
You're braver than dad
You're a gunman, holding your own
You're a gunman, you're never alone
Gunman . . . gunamn

Gunman, my sort of star, we're bleeding for you, we put you there
what would you give, your all of us now, we're burning for you
You're all over our town, gunman, you're on rappers and cans
You're bigger than life and we're dying for you and you're braver than dad, gunman. . .
You're woman are dogs
But they're braver than you

We're bleeding for you
what would you give
We're burning for you, gunman

We invented you, now we've gotta live with you, you're more solid
Than a rock, a rock of cocaine or crack or ice or death

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