The Veil


Composição de: Keith DeVito/Trevor Peres
The Veil

The veil
Compounded by silence
Strengthened by force
Keeps us at bay
Ignorance the vital tool to feast upon naivete
Built to protect
Built to preserve, the American way
Participation involuntary
Like test mice we scatter in the maze
Black opts employed
Sorties commence
All shrouded by secrecy
Who knows to what lengths?
Or who's to be sacrificed to guarantee victory?
The veil
Threatens us all
In our own homes
There as we sleep
Controlled subjects for cause and effect
Before it's unleashed on the enemy
Existence denied
Buried in lies
Faceless veracity
Blinded by diversionary tactics
Hidden by conspiracy
Feasting upon out thirst
Our need for controversy
Acting with no detection
Proceeding unmolested
Our lives are in their hands
Science is not God
We hold the key to death
They have the absolute power
Never-ending lust for supremacy
Exhausting all final means disregarding amnesty
Black opts they are employed
Sorties they now commence
Who knows to just what length
Victory for sacrifice
Stoic test subjects escorted into the flames
With no knowledge of the serenity of what's to come
With no knowing when we will all be dead
Our sovereignty must never be threatened
Total victory
The veil
Creating a giant
A lethal force
A deity
Blood of their own standing the weapons to uphold democracy
All trust is dissolved
Unrest is impending
The price of your treachery
When will it end?
When missiles decide
Man's final irony
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