Cifra Club

Bether Man


Ainda não temos a cifra desta música.

Well it's up to you
I can't say anymore
Just push through
You just push open the door and you'll find
Things ain't quite what they seem
There's still time if you know what I mean
And this ain't a dream

Well now we know
Now we know where we stand
Pick up your cards
It's time to deal your own hand
And walk the tightrope
But who knows which side you'll fall
But don't give up hope, you might not fall off at all
If you hear the call

How can we start to live
If no-ones prepared to give
Take take with both of your hands
But it's a better man who tries to understand
So I try to understand

Well, so at last
All your burdens are fled
They were never with you
They were only their in your head
But you've finally found it
You've finally found the real you
And I think you know
I think you know what to do
It's all there for you

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