Back From The Edge

Bruce Dickinson

Composição de: Alex Dickson / Bruce Dickinson
tom: B Afinação: E A D G B E
Legend :
b = bend
t = tapping
/ = slide




Solo inicial :
  F#                          E

-------------------------------------------------------------| Gtr: 1

----11t---7----11t--7--------------------------------------------| Gtr: 1
a Gtr: 1 repete esses tappings 4 x

----------------|-------------9----|----------------------| Gtr: 2

-------------9------------------| Gtr: 2

I  silent  river  flowing  black ....
   E                            F#4  F#    E

Back from the edge , where the darkness has fled ...
   E       F#

...and  i`m  falling .... back from the edge ...
  G#m   F#5          

Now and then i wonder where the faces from my childhood ...

Like father , like son in your bones it lives on .....

Solo :






Back from the edge , back froim the edge , back from the edge...
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