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C-Harp playing in G

-7   -7 -7  -7 -7   -7   6   -7  -7   6    6
Just listen to this song I'm singing, brother
-7  -6   6    -7
You know it's true.
-7 -7     -7     -6# -7  -6 -7   -7 -7 -7 -7   6  5
If you're black, and got to work for a living, bo-y;
-7   6  -7   -7      6
This is what they'll say:
-4   5  6      -7b    6      6
Now, if you're white, you're right,
-4  5  6      -6# -7  6    6 6
But if you're bro-wn, hang around.
-4  5  6     -7b -6   -7 6    5
And if you're bla-ck, oh brother;
6   6     6   6     6   6     6   6
Git Back, Git Back, Git Back, Git Back.

I was in a place one night, 
They was all having fun.
They was all drinking beer and wine.
But me, I couldn't buy none,

Me and a man's working side by side,
This is what it meant,
He was getting a dollar an hour,
When I was making fifty cents.

I helped build this country,
I fought for it too,
Nowm I guess that you can see,
What a black man have to do,
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